Sunday, December 11, 2011

on the 2nd day of Christmas
:: i gave away these things ::

A lot of communities have Angel Tree's around where someone, a family, or group can adopt a child and provide some or all of their Christmas for them. Which is awesome! There are people out there who have the funds to provide for those less fortunate, and all power to them to do all they can. The thing is, there are too many people who don't help out when they can or able. Step up, do your part! For those HERE in our country, in your state, in your city, in your community.

So there's a church, Redemption World Outreach Center, that does lots & lots of outreach in their community. In fact they do over 150 outreaches throughout their community, throughout the year. One of those outreaches is Holiday Hope.

Holiday Hope partners with the USMC and Toys for Tots program to provide for the needy children in their community ranging from ages 2-12 years of age. Also with this program they provide clothing to the needy and assistance to the parents. Every year they give away 15,000+ awesome is that! The good thing about giving to this outreach is you can either buy a toy(s) and drop it off at their specific locations or you can donate money in any amount you're able. So you don't feel obligated to purchase everything on a particular childs wish list. And if you're in a situation such as i am, with lack of time to give, they take in donations & whatever toys people buy & then they distribute to the families that have applied for assistance.

Now yes, I may be barking up my own tree. I personally do not live in the community they provide for, but my husband and I consider this church our "home" church, and this year I have decided to support this particular outreach. I hope one day, the church we attend now, or the church we'll have of our own we can do a similar outreach.

For more information check out their website here :: Holiday Hope

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